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PRODUCTS: ideaPoint

Innovation Management

Accelerate, evaluate, and improve the quality of your internal innovation programs using ideaPoint software.

Idea Management

One of an organization’s greatest assets is the collective knowledge of their employees. Creating an environment that allows members of an organization to submit and develop their innovative ideas is crucial to business success. ideaPoint software provides an end-to-end solution to solicit ideas, and then create the discipline to evaluate, and progress the exceptional ones. In working with Fortune 500 companies since 2007, ideaPoint has helped our clients:

  • Provide a simple and intuitive experience for idea submission

  • Keep submitters informed on the status of their ideas

  • Assemble virtual teams across functional areas to evaluate ideas and provide feedback to innovators

  • Manage funding and project planning for ideas that bubble to the top

  • Report on all of the above

Innovation Challenges

Organizations need to focus on ideas and concepts that fit their strategy and more specifically that fit the focus of the individual innovation groups within the organization. ideaPoint software helps drive innovation along strategic areas of interest or to solve specific problems using innovation challenges.

  • Solicit ideas aligned with strategic initiatives

  • Create submission windows to promote urgency

  • Share challenges with a targeted group of subject matter experts

  • Report on responses to challenges