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Patent Search Services

recherche brevet brevetabilité


Anaqua’s search services help IP managers make better patentability, validity, or clearance decisions using our prior art analysis performed by our Technology and IP experts. Leveraging a team of IP experts, using our methodology of Collaborative Patent SearchTM, we ensure quality results which help you to make smarter and strategic IP decisions. Our reports, prepared by experts, ensure informed and fast decision. Our search can be done and/or delivered on proprietary tools to ensure better integration with Anaqua Software. With this service you can:

  • Utilize experienced searchers to perform Patentability, Validity and FTO searches

  • Customize focused reports to suit your business need and budgets

  • Contract flexible engagement like transactional and dedicated team

  • Receive results in your AcclaimIP, Anaqua, PATTSY WAVE or Lecorpio system

Patent Landscape

One important aspect to consider when filing a patent is the market in which this patent will live. It is essential for an organization wanting to file a patent to be aware of what is happening in a specific industry to try and categorize meaningful technologies.

That is why Anaqua, leveraging our proprietary patent search and analytics software, AcclaimIP, and our team of experts, can help you by creating a report which will give you a holistic overview of the market your patent will live in.

With this service, you can:

  • Utilize experienced searchers to obtain a detailed report before filing a patent

  • Customize focused reports to suit your business need and budgets

  • Make better-informed decisions based on tangible data

recherche brevet cartographie brevet

Evidence of Use

Evidence of use (EOU) helps in determining the extent of overlap of claims of a patent onto a product. Evidence of Use provides a textual and graphical comparison between the claims of a patent and a product. This helps with easy and objective determination of overlap between the two. You can use Evidence of Use Analysis in many different scenarios including:

  • Potential infringement: If you suspect that any of your patent assets are being violated, or if you are in the process of selling patent assets, evidence of use study can be helpful in assessing the overlapping products

  • Licensing: Identifying the patents to license-in and license-out, as well as assessment of overlap between claims of a patent to be licensed and corresponding product suite, is crucial for a licensing negotiation

  • Potential litigation: To check that your product unknowingly infringing on others patents or to avoid trolls threats

  • Patent Value indication: Sometimes it is used to find net present value of patent using product cash flows

  • Technology: Many technologies use common subsystems or methods of achieving their means, so patent and product literature studies are critical to identifying the right target companies